The subjects specifically suggest two main tasks to be developed in the Ecuadorian margin: (1)analysis of geomorphology, structures and sedimentary deposits as indicators of recent tectonic and climatic evolution, as well as the analysis of the geodynamics based on the study of deep structures on a large scale; and (2)the tsunami risk that will be studied in conjunction with the seismic cycle in the area.
These tasks are completely linked to each other, and are part of the scientific objective of the creation of the GEMAC group, which will be developed in a consistent manner throughout the estimated time.
Conduct an integrated study in the Ecuadorian continental margin that includes (1) the tectonic and climatic control of sedimentary flows, based on stratigraphy, sedimentology, underwater geomorphology and surface deformation, as well as the analysis of geodynamics based on the study of deep structures on a large scale, and (2) coastal dynamics, based on the analysis of tsunami risks.
Financed by: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
Budget: $40,000.00
Status: Active (60%)
Ph.D. Carlos Martillo Bustamante (Director - FICT)
MSc. Glenda Cecilia Loayza Toro (Co-Director - FICT)
Ing. Edison Manuel Navarrete Cuesta (FICT)
Ph.D. Alba Katherine Calle (FIMCBOR)
Ing. Gabriela Solís Gordillo (FICT)
Ph.D. Mansour Loualalen (IRD - Francia)
Ph.D. Jean Noel Proust (IRD - Francia)
Ph.D. Jean Yves Collot (IRD - Francia)
Ph.D. Francois Michaud (IRD - Francia)
Sedimentary transfers, tectonics and tsunami risk in the continental margin of Ecuador: Geology and Marine and Coastal Geophysics (GEMAC)
The rock coast of South and Central America, Applied Clay Science, Volume: 109-110, pages: 95–106. Revista Q2.