Artículos en revista y abstract indexados Scopus - WOS
- Siravo, G., Speranza, F., Mulas, M., Costanzo‐Alvarez, V. (2021) “Significance of northern Andes terrane extrusion and genesis of the Interandean Valley: Paleomagnetic evidence from the “Ecuadorian Orocline”. Tectonics, 40.
- Lira, J. A., Mulas, M. (2021). “Time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations.” Applied Geophysics, 18(1), 9-16.
- Columbu, S., Mulas, M., Mundula, F., Cioni, R. (2021). “Strategies for helium pycnometry density measurements of welded ignimbritic rocks”. Measurement, 108640
- Cioni, R., Tadini, A., Gurioli, L., Bertagnini, A., Mulas, M., Bevilacqua, A., Neri, A. (2020) “Estimating eruptive parameters and related uncertainties for pyroclastic density currents deposits: worked examples from Somma-Vesuvius (Italy)” Bulletin of Volcanology, 82(9), 1-20.
- García-Bustos S., Landín J., Moreno R., Chong A.S.E, Mulas M., Mite M., Cárdenas N. (2020) “Statistical Analysis of the Largest Possible Earthquake Magnitudes on the Ecuadorian Coast for Selected Return Periods.” Georisk, 1-13.
- Flor-Jiménez A.M., Avilés-Moran H., Villalta-Echeverría M., Murillo-Lozano I., Escobar-Segovia K., Mulas M. (2019). “Caracterización geotécnica y estructural de las Ignimbritas del grupo Saraguro en el sector de Santa Isabel-Pucará, Ecuador.” 17th LACCEI International Multi - Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology 24-26 July 2019, Jamaica.
- Mulas M., Chunga K., Garces Leon D.O., Escobar Segovia K.F. (2019). “Sedimentological study of distal rain-triggered lahars: the case of west coast of Ecuador.” Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 26(1).
- Chunga, K., Ochoa-Cornejo, F., Mulas, M., Toulkeridis, T., Menéndez, E., (2019) “Characterization of seismogenetic crustal faults in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador.” Andean Geology 46 (1)
- Chunga K., Livio F., Mulas M., Ochoa‐Cornejo F., Besenzon D., Ferrario M.F., Michetti A.M. (2018) “Earthquake Ground Effects and Intensity of the 16 April 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador, Earthquake: Implications for the Source Characterization of Large Subduction Earthquakes”. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108(6), 3384-3397.
- Roverato M., Larrea P., Casado I., Mulas M., Béjar G., Bowman L. (2018) “Characterization of the Cubilche debris avalanche deposit, a controversial case from the northern Andes, Ecuador.” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 360, 22-35
- Mulas M., Andronico D., Mundula F., Cioni R. (2016) ""The 1669 Monti Rossi eruption at M.te Etna volcano (Italy)"" Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 328, p. 115-133.
- Barsotti S., Neri A., Bertagnini A., Cioni R., Mulas M., Mundula F. (2015) ""Dynamics and tephra dispersal of Violent Strombolian eruptions at Vesuvius: insight from field data, wind reconstruction and numerical simulation of the 1906 event"" Bulletin of Volcanology, , vol. 77, no 7, p. 1-19
- Mundula F., Cioni R., Mulas M. (2013) ""Rheomorphic diapirs in densely welded ignimbrites: The Serra di Paringianu ignimbrite of Sardinia, Italy"". Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 258: 12 -23.
- Mundula F., Cioni R., Mulas M. (2011) “Time-space relationships of deformative structures in welded ignimbrites: the diapiric structures of the “Serra di Paringianu” ignimbrite (SW Sardinia)” Rend. online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 15 (2011), pp. 79-81.
Coautores de libros y de capítulos de libros
- Chunga K., Quinonez M.F., Huaman F., Besenzon D., Mulas M., Garces D., Larreta E., Gorshkov A., Michetti A.M. (2016) Geología de terremotos y tsunamis. Ed. Sección Nacional del Ecuador del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia (IPGH) pg. 313